The DC Elevator blog will cover a wide range of topics from elevator maintenance to safety practices and industry news. Keep visiting – we’ll be updating this page with new articles regularly.

The Importance Of Keeping Up With Minor Elevator Repairs

Elevators are considered a vital part of any modern building. It would be rather unfortunate if your elevator was broken, potentially trapping individuals inside or delaying the arrival of emergency personnel. On the other hand, with proper maintenance, your elevator could become one of the most dependable pieces of machinery in your building. This article […]

How Do Elevators Make Your Life Easier?

Elevators make our life easier, and they are not just used to carry people. They are also important for business, as they save a lot of time. If you think that elevators can only be found in buildings, then you are wrong. They are also used to carry freight containers and they save a lot […]

What Is Destination Dispatch?

It is possible to optimize elevator travel to cut down on wait and travel times by using destination dispatch. People heading to the same floor ride in the same elevator since passengers are grouped according to their destinations. As a result, fewer pauses are required by the elevator, which decreases the time passengers must wait […]

Why Elevator Maintenance is Important?

It is a full-time responsibility of elevator maintenance. Elevator safety is paramount in this industry and it is vital to employ experienced and qualified personnel. Most people don’t know that elevator maintenance can actually be hazardous for the worker. The machine, cables, and pulleys can cause serious injuries to those who are not careful enough. […]

How Long Does an Elevator Last?

Elevators are a critical part of any building’s infrastructure. Not only do your tenants and guests expect them to be clean and visually appealing, but to function properly as well. Though elevator systems provide practical convenience and safety, you may have questions about maintenance, repair, and how long the elevator will last. Having a good […]

Who Can Repair My Elevator?

Building owners and managers have many important concerns. No doubt somewhere near the top of that list is the safety and maintenance of your property. While it’s important to have access to a well-rounded maintenance staff, there are certain elements of your building that require additional special care and attention to detail – not least […]

How to Prepare for (and Pass) the All-Important Elevator Inspection

Just like an automobile diagnostic test, an elevator inspection provides building owners with the opportunity to make critical decisions about repairs, upgrades or full equipment replacement. But while some vehicle owners may decide to postpone a trip to the auto shop, putting off an elevator inspection is never advisable. State laws and building codes require […]

Prepare Your Elevators for a Challenging Winter

As the cold season continues, you may be focused on making sure your building lobby stays warm and dry. But have you considered doing the same for your elevators’ engine room? In this article we share our best tips for making your elevators run smoothly and safely during a cold snap, winter storm, or flash […]

Promoting Elevator Safety in Your Building

Elevators are among the safest of all transportation modes. However, avoidable accidents, operational failures, and injuries do happen. To prevent accidents in and around elevators, you can play a key role in guiding passengers toward safe behaviours and explaining how to remain safe if something should go wrong. What Building Owners and Managers Can Do […]

Identify the First Signs of Elevator Problems

Elevators are a safe and reliable mode of transportation for your tenants and visitors, as long as they’re regularly inspected and serviced. But, as with all mechanical systems, problems can develop. Not only can these problems lead to potential injury, but they can also expose you to expensive emergency repairs, excessive downtimes, unhappy tenants, code […]